Security Requirements for 03.01.16 Wireless Access

Wireless networking capabilities represent a significant potential vulnerability that can be exploited by adversaries. Establishing usage restrictions, configuration requirements, and connection requirements for wireless access to the system provides criteria to support access authorization decisions. These restrictions and requirements reduce susceptibility to unauthorized system access through wireless technologies. Wireless networks use authentication protocols that provide credential protection and mutual authentication. Organizations authenticate individuals and devices to protect wireless access to the system. Special attention is given to the variety of devices with potential wireless access to the system, including small form factor mobile devices (e.g., smart phones, tablets, smart watches). Wireless networking capabilities that are embedded within system components represent a potential vulnerability that can be exploited by adversaries. Strong authentication of users and devices, strong encryption, and disabling wireless capabilities that are not needed for essential mission or business functions can reduce susceptibility to threats by adversaries involving wireless technologies.

View CPRT 03.01.16
  1. 03.01.16.a

    Establish usage restrictions, configuration requirements, and connection requirements for each type of wireless access to the system.

  1. 03.01.16.b

    Authorize each type of wireless access to the system prior to establishing such connections.

  1. 03.01.16.c

    Disable, when not intended for use, wireless networking capabilities prior to issuance and deployment.

  1. 03.01.16.d

    Protect wireless access to the system using authentication and encryption.